Services & Repairs

Engine Driven Welders are as expensive as a new car to purchase, by keeping up with services and maintaining them you will keep you and your crew working with minimal downtime and reducing costly repairs.

Regular servicing which includes oil and filter changes, idle adjustment (which affects outputs), coolant change, new belts (when required) and wet stacking to clean out carbon build up in engine.

On the generator side we clean and dress the armature, sliprings, and inspect all components. All electrical connections are checked and tightened as connections can come loose through vibration and can become a major issue. We also test all outputs, RCD and VRD for safety. Shindaiwa will tag as required for site compliance and finally load bank to manufacturer’s specs. Calibration is also available for Engine Driven Welders.

Spare Parts

Seen as key to the success of our product and services offering, our process has always been to ensure we maintained both an extensive range of stocks of both common and the more unique components, spares and consumables as and where needed by our clients. Shindaiwa holds large levels of spare parts stocks at all times for all the machines in our range.
